Happy Solstice! A new family tradition

In just a few minutes, the north pole will be at its furthest tilt from the sun. Happy Solstice! This brings us the longest night. But I’m not a fan of winter so for me, it’s a matter of changing my mindset during these dark days. I need something to lift my spirits during all this darkness. Maybe it’s time to start a fun family tradition or two to keep the ho-hum winter blues away?

Here are some ideas to help you and your family enjoy the Solstice:

  • Take a break. Sleep in, if you can, and let the kids sleep in too. For little ones, that may not be possible but try taking everything down a notch and just going with the flow. While this might not happen on the Solstice, find a day when you all decide to sleep in and spend the whole day in your jammies!
  • Solstice walk. No matter where you live, it’s important to regularly get some fresh air . . . even if it is only 10 degrees! Connecting with nature helps clear our heads as we breathe in fully. Start a new family tradition – a Solstice walk! Focus on the green of evergreens, the white of the snow, the colors of the birds, or the sparkle of the neighbor’s holidays lights. Enjoy what little daylight there is or revel in the darkness before dinner!
  • Light those candles. If you’re like me, you have some candles hidden away in a drawer somewhere for ‘special’ occasions. The Solstice is the perfect occasion! Light some candles and have a conversation with your kids about what they enjoyed about the year and what they’re looking forward to next year. All conversations seem to have a deeper, more comfy feel, when they’re done with candles! And what a great new family tradition – it creates quality connection, improves family cohesion, and allows for everyone’s input.
  • Try a little hygge. The Danish use this term to describe what we might consider ‘coziness.’ To get your hygge on, take your time to make dinner together, sit by a fire, cozy up on the couch while you watch a favorite family movie, or simply mix a mug of hot cocoa and snuggle with your child. The Solstice offers the perfect opportunity for any level of hygge, especially if includes some twinkle lights to really set the mood. 🙂

Family traditions can be started at any time, in any place. Wherever you are today, tonight, or tomorrow, try celebrating the Solstice in a way that helps propel you to some positive family traditions.

Hmm. In writing this, I think I made myself excited for this shortest day of the year. Time to get the candles and hot cocoa. Happy Solstice!

Happy Solstice! Light some candles as a new family tradition.

For more information on how to enrich your relationship with your child, check out my book, E.N.R.I.C.H. Your Relationship With Your Child, on Amazon and in the Gibson Bookstore in Concord, NH.

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