For this month’s wild & wacky Wednesday, use your words! In my book, one of my favorite sections to write about was happiness. In that section, I talked about the importance of having fun with your family and one of those ways was really simple – mix up your words! For example, rather than saying it’s time to “take a shower,” switch the “t” & “sh” to get “shake a tower.” Or, it might be “bake a tath” (for take a bath). Can you guess what “deed the fog” is?! I’ve found this takes a bit of thinking and a slight bit of preparation. For example, the phrase, “if the shoe fits” probably won’t make the best phrase to switch as it becomes “if the foo ****” – well, you get the idea. 🙂
Fun activities such as using silly words gets your child’s attention. Laughter helps them focus and learn but it also helps them de-stress and relax, creating a special bond between you and your child. Just make sure your wacky words are not seen as sarcasm or criticism of your child. Bottom line, you can make a game out of this for any age. But be careful – you may never take a shower again when it’s so much more fun to shake a tower!