Recently I was going through some old photo albums and before I knew it, an hour had passed. It brought back such fond memories of so many different events! I’m guessing you have photos like that too. For this throwback Thursday, find a photo of you when you were younger and then find a similar picture of your child(ren) at a similar age. Talk about the photos with your kids. Tell them the story about you in your picture and tell them the story of them in their picture, if they don’t remember. Reminiscing like this can really boost a sense of belonging and well-being. Just be sure to choose photos that you think they will enjoy. Ideally, don’t use photos of a time they ended up getting in trouble unless the photo of you is when you got in trouble afterwards. The benefit here is that could lead to a discussion about how all of us make mistakes sometimes but that’s how we learn. However, a ‘fun’ photo will be more powerful and create a boost for the rest of the day!