I thoroughly enjoy getting together with family and friends over the holidays. Do you? For some, their holiday celebrations are something to look forward to with great anticipation. For others, the holidays carry a sense of loss or loneliness. Happy holidays or not, connection is key.
Whether you have children at home, grown children, grandchildren, or none of the above, I thought I would share a quote with you.
“Your connectedness to other people is so key to buffering any current stressors – and to healing from past trauma. Being with people who are present, supportive, and nurturing. Belonging.” (Bruce Perry, p. 193, in What Happened to You?).
I don’t mean to be a ‘Debbie downer’ at this time of year (!) but I love the sentiment in that quote. No matter your experiences, your family’s situation, or your current frame of mind, being with others can be the antidote! For some of you, this will be easy . . . maybe you are already celebrating with family or friends! For those of you who don’t find this so easy, reach out to at least one person you know is ‘in your corner’ and supportive. This is both helpful for you but your children or grandchildren as well. Reaching out for support when you’re feeling low is a way to model being resilient. And while we may all be getting tired of that word ‘resilient’ (or tired of feeling like we have to be resilient!), connecting with others is known as a ‘protective factor’ aiding in parenting and family relationships.
So, happy holidays? It certainly can be, one way or another. Find at least one thing you are grateful for and talk about it with someone. Find something you can do for someone else, no matter how small. Talk to a relative about some of your fondest holiday (or other) memories. It doesn’t really matter what you do as long as you connect. Connecting with others is the key.
One thing I’m grateful for? You! A huge thank you to my private clients, those of you who attended webinars, and those of you who purchased my book. Thank you for making 2024 a great year! My best to you and yours for a peaceful close to 2024 and a wonderful opening to 2025!