Check here often for links to my latest blogs, tweets and stuff!
I'm so excited you've stopped by! Check out some blogs I've written recently (see column to the right) for helpful hints on how to strengthen relationships, improve family cohesion, and encourage communication. Follow me on Twitter @Flourish_Family
Periodic tweets for the days of the week...Meaningful Mondays – Yes, there are meatless Mondays, motivational Mondays and even funny Mondays! But I’ll be tweeting about small things you can do that are meaningful for your family to help you start your week off right!
Thankful Tuesdays – Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in our week and forget what’s really important. Tuesday tweets to be thankful will help remind you!!
Wild & Wacky Wednesdays – OK, so wacky Wednesday already exists for many of us, but I’ve added the ‘wild’ to give you some freedom to do those crazy, silly things that are…..well, wild & wacky! The middle of the week is a great time to lighten things up a bit in your family ….. within reason of course!

My radio show!
Check out my appearance on a local radio show! I was mid-sentence when he snapped this picture, but you get the idea 🙂 Want to listen in? Check it out here!