Go play – it’s national Scrabble day!

It’s wild & wacky Wednesday – a perfect day to play a board game for some family fun! Playing board games such as Scrabble is a great way to connect family members, encourage cooperation, have fun, and maybe even learn something along the way! If you want to throw in a little wacky, maybe players have to spell the words backwards. Or if your children are too young, simply take turns places the tiles on the board. You can even make up your own board game using cereal, raisins, or blueberries (my personal favorite) and no matter who “wins,” everyone gets a healthy snack! No matter the game, enjoy today with some quality family time.

Keep it fun, not competitive, to ensure your family time is enjoyed by all.

Thankful for misbehavior??

Hello all – it’s thankful Tuesday! As odd as it sounds, I’m asking you to be thankful for misbehavior. Yes – really. When a child misbehaves, it is their attempt at testing boundaries OR they are trying to communicate something. Either way, it’s a developmental process that is necessary for learning and connecting. That doesn’t mean you treat the misbehavior as something cute, funny, or acceptable. But sometimes simply changing our mindset (i.e., being thankful) about what’s occurring can help us deal with the misbehavior in a more calm, positive way.

Check out my book, E.N.R.I.C.H. Your Relationship With Your Child for other great strategies.

“When dealing with misbehavior, keep in mind these behaviors occur for several reasons – because of your child’s natural developmental process, the environment, and current feelings and emotions.”

(E.N.R.I.C.H. p. 188)

It’s Meaningful Monday

With all the things going on in the world, children can easily get confused, worried, and downright scared. Make sure you have regular conversations as a family about daily action steps you can take to help keep the focus on what CAN be done. For example, try talking with your kids today about one thing they can do this week to help someone. Small acts of kindness can add up to having a more positive outlook for both children and parents. “Children rely on the adults in their life to provide safety and a sense of control” (E.N.R.I.C.H. Your Relationship With Your Child, 2021).

Family Fun Friday? Fantastic!

TGIF! Fridays are great but Friday nights are even better! Tonight, as you wind down from your week, try a little game. See how many times the word ‘fantastic’ can be used! “It’s dinner time!” “Fantastic!” “Time to brush your teeth.” “Fantastic!” “I forgot to do my homework.” “Fantastic!” Of course, that’s not really fantastic but it certainly changes the mood, right?! Lightening things up at the end of a week with this, or any sort of silliness or game, can help you and your family get in the right mindset to have a great weekend, which definitely sounds good, right? No – it’s FANTASTIC! 🙂

Throwback Thursday – 3-17-22

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! When you were growing up, how did you celebrate? Did you get pinched if you weren’t wearing green? What kinds of things do you remember about this special day? Share those memories with your child! It not only encourages conversation but it can help your child learn more about you and your experiences, making you more of a ‘person’ rather than just a ‘parent.’ 🙂

Thankful Tuesday, 3-1-22

Thankful Tuesday, 3-1-22

Today is thankful Tuesday & as I watch the snow falling for the umpteenth time this winter, I’m thankful for vacations! This is the vacation week for schools here in New Hampshire and falling snow means more fun on the slopes. As you go through your week, see if you can squeeze in some sort of ‘vacation’ with your family – even if it means taking a break from your usual Tuesday routines. A little time off helps our communication, connection, and caring.

“Memories made together last a lifetime.”

Thankful Tuesday tip

It’s Tuesday – a great day to be thankful! Gratitude for what we have helps create a positive, caring environment. Find something about your child you are thankful for – they way they take out the trash, helping with the dog, or something as simple as their smile. In fact, tonight at dinner, see if each of you can share something you are thankful for. It does wonders for the heart and health of the family! I’m thankful you read my post! Dr. Debbie 🙂