Did you know May 20 is Bee Day?! I didn’t! But what a great day to celebrate! As I’m sure everyone has heard, bees are critically important to so many things we eat but their populations are dwindling. I remember a day when I was terrified of bees and ran as fast as I could to get away from them. Truth be told, I’d prefer to garden when the bees are somewhere else but at least now I understand better their importance and am much more tolerant. In fact, I now grow flowers that bees love.
So what does this have to do with throwback Thursday? Try sharing a story from your past with your child about bees. Did you get stung once? Or twice? What did you do when that happened? Or, ask your child if they remember anything about bees. Have they learned about them in school? Did they get stung once . . . or twice? Talk with them about the importance of bees, even if they do sometimes feel like a nuisance. And maybe even talk about what to do IF they get stung.
If you are allergic to bee stings, I’m going to guess these ideas don’t sound like any fun. And certainly, even though today is Bee Day, you can think of a different topic to talk about on Throwback Thursday. Regardless, for all the work bees do, I think we can all Bee Thankful for them! 🙂